Many people think that car accidents that happen out of their home state will become a major hassle. While no accident should be taken lightly, the laws that govern people’s responsibilities after an accident are very similar across the country. If you have been involved in an accident and are now wondering what to do after an out-of-state car accident in North Carolina, consult an experienced car accident lawyer that can help.
If someone is wondering what to do after an out-of-state car accident in North Carolina, their first step should be to move their car into a safe place. They should only do this if they are relatively uninjured and the car can be moved without causing any further damage. Next, the person should make sure to get medical assistance to everyone who needs it. All states have a law requiring that people assist others in danger after an accident if they are able.
After making sure that everyone is okay and has been assisted, it is important to call the police. Calling the police following an accident is mandatory but it can also be helpful because the police report can be used in a personal injury case.
Those involved in a car accident should also make sure to document the accident in great detail. Taking photographs of the vehicles involved in the accident, and also taking photographs of where the accident took place, can also help bolster a person’s claim. Lastly, it is imperative that an individual gets in touch with a car accident attorney and file their personal injury claim. The individual should first file a claim with their own insurance company in order to recover damages but, they must file a claim with the at-fault driver’s company.
The Whitley Law Firm is a family affair—in all the ways that matter. Partner Ben Whitley works with his father and brother to create a formidable force when representing clients. After all, helping injured individuals—people who have the deck stacked against them when fighting corporations—is why the Whitleys got into the business in the first place.
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